Some of our amazing tutors
Our Cambridge Tutors
Outstanding Across The Board
Our Cambridge tutors are carefully selected before carrying out lessons on our behalf. Cambridge Online Tuition has a rigorous interview process in which all tutors must be highly qualified in their field with either a qualified teaching degree or have A-levels/BSc/MSc or PhD in their subject fields. Not only this, our tutors must be have a certain charisma about them, be approachable, understanding and make the lessons EXCITING. All tutors deliver an online presentation/lesson to Cambridge Online Tuition, demonstrating their online skills and qualities.
This gives Cambridge Online Tuition a chance to assess whether they bring something unique to learning. After this, Cambridge Online Tuition ensures all the applicable checks are carried out. Unlike other sites who let ANY tutor register, Cambridge Online Tuition requires a valid enhanced DBS within 1 year, tutors to undergo safeguarding training which is certified, 2 references and provides Cambridge Online Tuition specific documentation on online safety and expectations.
What Makes A Good Tutor?
What Our Tutors Say
Our hand-picked, vigorously vetted, top-quality tutors really empathise with our students and listen to them. They understand every child learns differently and have a real passion for relaying their knowledge onto others. Hear what they say below.